出生於馬德里紅燈區的Estela·Carmen,在最天真稚嫩的年紀,長成了一朵最美豔有毒的嬌花。她渴望救贖、渴望被愛、渴望逃離、渴望被擁抱……從馬德里到巴塞羅那,從那個將她帶離深淵的巴西聖子裡卡多,再到願意給予她家庭與親密關係的加泰男人,所有人都愛她,沉醉於她那近乎孩子般的天真惡毒笑容裡。一朵黑心蓮花與眾多足壇教練、老闆、球員糾纏不清的故事。Darling, darling, doesnt have a problem,?“親愛的,親愛的,一切都沒有問題”,Lying to herself cause her liquors top shelf,?她這麼欺騙著自己,因為她喝著最昂貴的美酒,Its alarming honestly how charming she can be,?她魅力四射著實令人驚歎,Fooling everyone, telling them shes having fun,?愚弄所有人,宣告她如何樂在其中,She says, "You dont want to be like me,?她說,“你不會想要成為我這樣的人,Dont wanna see all the things Ive seen不會想要看到我所見的一切。”,Im dying, Im dying,?我在腐朽,我在腐朽,She says, "You dont want to get this way,?她說,“你不會想要過上這樣的生活,Famous and dumb at an early age"在涉世未深的年紀聲名大噪,蠢笨無知”,Lying, I’m lying,我在撒謊,我在撒謊,The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen,?男孩們,女孩們,他們都喜歡卡門,She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes,?她挑逗著他們,眨動她大大的眼睛,She laughs like God, her minds like a diamond,?她大笑著,像個上帝,她的頭腦是顆鑽石,Audiotune lies, shes still shining,?Like lightning, ohh, white lightning,?像一道閃電,一道白色的閃電,Carmen, Carmen, staying up til morning,?卡門,卡門,作樂直到清晨,Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean,?僅僅十七歲,便邁著不可一世的步伐,Its alarming truly how disarming you can be,?著實應當小心你會如何為她神魂顛倒。……? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?——Lana del rey《Carmen》